
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wee Read - Halloween (2013)

Early Literacy Tip of the Week:
Look for small books to fit small hands,
books with simple rhymes, and lift the flap books when choosing books for your baby.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

Little Bat
--Artsy Toddler Storytimes: A Year's Worth of Ready-To-Go Programming by Carol Garnett Hopkins. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2013.

Open Shut Them

Book One

Halloween is Here
Sung to: "Farmer in the Dell"
Oh, Halloween is here!
Oh, Halloween is here!
 costumes on we'll walk around
We'll knock on doors all over town,
When Halloween is here!

I Saw a Ghost
I saw a ghost
He saw me too
I waved at him
But he said, “Boo!”

The Haunted House (with finger puppets)
Sung to: "The Wheels On The Bus"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
"Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
On Halloween.
The bat goes eeek,
The cat goes meow,
The skeleton goes creak,
The witch goes he, he, he.

I Wiggle My Fingers

Book Two
Pumpkin Eye by Denise Fleming

Trick or Treating
Sung to: "Are You Sleeping?" 
Trick or treating, trick or treating.
Trick or treating, trick or treating.
I scare you, I scare you!

Halloween Hokey Pokey
Sing to: The Hokey Pokey
You put your hand bones in,
you take your hand bones out
You put your hand bones in, and you rattle them about.
You do the hookey-spooky and everybody shouts,
"That's what it's all about.  BOO!"
--based on a song from MCLS Kids

Read Together

The More We Get Together

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Storytime - Halloween (2013)


Songs / Rhymes: “Good Morning”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “I Saw a Ghost”, “The Haunted House” with finger puppets, “Open, Shut Them”, “Five Little Bats” on the felt board, “I Wiggle My Fingers”, and “The More We Get Together”.

Special Activity: We went on a costume parade through the library. At the circulation desk, we sang "I Saw a Ghost" to the staff and patrons.

Craft: Mummies. Materials: toilet paper, black construction paper with a mummy outline, crayons, glue, and tape. The toddlers ripped pieces of the toilet paper (work those writing muscles!) and glued them to their mummy outlines.

Books: Skeleton Hiccups by Margery Cuyler

Songs / Rhymes: “Welcome to the Library”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Hi There, So Glad You Came”, “I Saw a Ghost”, “Open, Shut Them”, “Going to a Haunted House” on the felt board, and “The More We Get Together”.

Special Activity: Costume parade.

Craft: Ghosties. Materials: Kleenex, cotton balls, orange yarn, tape, scissors, and glue. The preschoolers placed their cotton balls in the center of their tissues. They gathered up the tissue around the cotton balls and tied the yarn around to make spooky ghosts.


I Saw a Ghost
I saw a ghost
He saw me too
I waved at him
But he said, “Boo!”

The Haunted House (with finger puppets)
Sung to: "The Wheels On The Bus"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
"Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
On Halloween.
The bat goes eeek,
The cat goes meow,
The skeleton goes creak,
The pumpkin goes Trick or Treat.

Going to a Haunted House
Sung to: “Old MacDonald.”
Going to a haunted house, E-I-E-I-O
And in that house there is a ________, E-I-E-I-O
1. Ghost – “Boo”
2. Witch – “Cackle”
3. Bat – “Squeak”
4. Monster – “Grrr”
5. Cat – “Meow”
6. Skeleton – “Creak”

Five Little Bats
Sung to: "Five Little Ducks"
Five little bats went on a flight
by the light of the moon one night
Mama bat said squeak squeak squeak swack!
but only 4 little bats came back.
Repeat for 4,3,2,1

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wee Read - Halloween (2012)

Early Literacy Tip of the Week: Speak slowly and enunciate - this helps train neurons in the brain in identifying specific sounds.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

Trick or Treating
Sung to: "Are You Sleeping?"
Trick or treating, trick or treating.
Trick or treating, trick or treating.
I scare you, I scare you!

Open Shut Them

Book One
I’m the Scariest Thing in the Castle by Kevin Sherry
*I told this one with my bat finger puppet. He just so happens to look exactly like the bat in the book!

I Saw a Ghost
I saw a ghost
He saw me too
I waved at him
But he said, “Boo!”

Pumpkin, Pumpkin!
Sung to: “Ten Little Indians”
Pumpkin, pumpkin, orange pumpkin
Pumpkin, pumpkin, orange pumpkin
Pumpkin, pumpkin, orange pumpkin
Hi Ho!  Halloween is here!
*There are more verses, but we only did the first.

I'm A Little Pumpkin
Sung to: "I'm A Little Teapot"
I'm a little pumpkin short and stout (squat down with hands on hips)
Here are my eyes and here is my mouth (point to eyes and mouth)
When it's Halloween and you are out, (point to audience)
Just lift my lid and hear me shout. (pretend to lift lid)
BOO! (jump up and shout boo)

Book Two

The Haunted House (finger puppets)
Sung to: "The Wheels On The Bus"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
"Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!"
The ghost in the house goes "Boo! Boo! Boo!"
On Halloween.The bat goes eeek,
The cat goes meow
The skeletons go creak

Halloween is Here
Sung to: "Farmer in the Dell"Oh, Halloween is here!
Oh, Halloween is here!
With costumes on we'll walk around
We'll knock on doors all over town,
When Halloween is here!

Read Together

The More We Get Together

Friday, October 25, 2013

Inspired by Flannel Friday - Five Little Bats

Happy Halloween, Flannel Friday-ers! My entry this week was inspired by this post from Let the Wild Rumpus Start. I used a bat from as a template. The details are all made from puffy paint. Thanks for the great idea, Miss Sue!

Five Little Bats
Sung to: "Five Little Ducks"
Five little bats went on a flight
by the light of the moon one night
Mama bat said squeak squeak squeak swack!
but only 4 little bats came back.
Repeat for 4,3,2,1

This week's Flannel Friday round up is hosted by Katie. Flannel Friday can be found on Facebook, Pinterest, and at the FF blog.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Storytime - Lovely Ladybugs


Songs / Rhymes: “Good Morning”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Open, Shut Them”, “Ladybug” with ladybug puppet, “Pretty Ladybug” on the felt board, “I Wiggle My Fingers”, and “The More We Get Together”. 

Craft: Build a Ladybug. Materials: red construction paper oval, black construction paper head, crayons, glue, and tape. The toddlers glued the head to the body of the ladybug and drew on spots.


Songs / Rhymes: “Welcome to the Library”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Open, Shut Them”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “Head and Shoulders”, and “The More We Get Together”. 

Craft: Ladybug Headbands Materials: red construction paper strips, small black construction paper strips, black construction paper die cut spots, glue, tape, crayons, and scissors. The preschoolers taped their red strips together, added their spots, and taped on their antennae to make a ladybug hat.


Sung to: "Three Blind Mice"
Fly, fly, fly
Ladybugs fly
Fly over here
Fly over there
They fly up high and they fly down low.
Around and around and around they go.
They fly fast, and they fly slow.
Oh, ladybugs fly.

Pretty Ladybug
Sung to: "The Muffin Man"
Ladybug has 1 black spot,
1 black spot, 1 black spot;
Ladybug has 1 black spot,
Pretty ladybug!
Continue until there are 6 spots.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wee Read - I Love Mommy

Early Literacy Tip of the Week:
Give your child access to books. Choosing what she would like to look at and learning to turn the pages is part of early literacy.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

Roll Roll Sugarbabies
Roll, roll sugarbabies (arms roll)
Roll, roll sugarbabies.
Push, pull,
Clap, clap, clap!

Open Shut Them

Book One

Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream!

If You're Happy and You Know It
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
If you're happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
*raise it high, shake it fast.
--Kendra at Read, Sing, Play

Down at the Library was a Parachute
Down at the library in the story room
Sat babies and Miss Mollie and a parachute
Lift, said Miss Mollie, lift the 'chute
And they lifted and they lifted that parachute.
*Shake, said Miss Mollie, shake the 'chute
And they shook and they shook that parachute.
*Let go, said Miss Mollie, let go of the 'chute!
And they all let go of the parachute.
--Miss Mollie

I Wiggle My Fingers

Book Two

Pease Porridge Hot
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in a pot, nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in a pot, nine days old.
Clap each syllable.

Clap Hands, Clap Hands
Use sign language for daddy and mommy.
--from Babies in the Library by Jane Marino. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2003.

Read Together

The More We Get Together

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Storytime - Favorites


Books: I Say, You Say: Animal Sounds by Tad Carpenter and Now I’m Big by Karen Katz.

Songs / Rhymes: “Good Morning”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Open, Shut Them”, “Roll, Roll Sugarbabies”, “The Hokey Pokey”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It” with parachute, “Row Boat, Row Boat” with parachute, “Down at the Library in the Storytime Room” with parachute, “I Wiggle My Fingers”, and “The More We Get Together”.

Craft: There was no craft today.


Songs / Rhymes: “Welcome to the Library”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “A Tooty Tah”, “Open, Shut Them”, “The Hokey Pokey”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It” with parachute, “Row Boat, Row Boat” with parachute and “The More We Get Together”. 

Craft: There was no craft today.

Parachute Songs/Rhymes

If You're Happy and You Know It (parachute)
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
If you're happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it,
Shake it slow.
*raise it high, shake it fast.
--Kendra at Read, Sing, Play

Row Boat, Row Boat
Row boat, row boat go so slow (wave the chute slowly).
Row boat, row boat go so fast (shake the chute fast).
Row boat, row boat the waves are getting worse (shake fast again).
Row boat, row boat put it in reverse (stop the chute by pulling towards you).
--Kendra at Read, Sing, Play

Down at the Library was a Parachute
Down at the library in the story room
Sat some kids and Miss Mollie and a parachute
Lift, said Miss Mollie, lift the 'chute
And they lifted and they lifted that parachute.
*Shake, said Miss Mollie, shake the 'chute
And they shook and they shook that parachute.
*Let go, said Miss Mollie, let go of the 'chute!
And they all let go of the parachute.
--Miss Mollie

Monday, October 14, 2013

Wee Read - Raindrops

Early Literacy Tip of the Week:
Talk about tasks in a sequence, such as how to make a cake.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

Sing with Me
Sung to: “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush”
--from Babies in the Library by Jane Marino. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2003.

Open Shut Them

Book One

Rain is Falling Down (with scarves)
Rain is falling down. Splash!
Rain is falling down. Splash!
Pitter patter, pitter patter:
Rain is falling down. Splash!
Sun is peeking out, Peek!
Sun is peeking out, Peek!
Peeking here, peeking there:
Sun is peeking out, Peek!

Wind, Oh Wind (with scarves)
-- Mother Goose on the Loose by Betsy Diamant-Cohen. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2006.

Peek-a-Boo (with scarves)
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo
I see you, I see you
I see your button nose,
I see your tiny toes.
Peek-a-boo, I see you!

I Wiggle My Fingers

Book Two

I Hear Thunder
Sung to “Frere Jacques”
--Lapsit Services for the Very Young II by Linda L. Ernst. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2001.

Sometimes I Am Tall
--from Lapsit Services for the Very Young II by Linda L. Ernst. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2001.

Read Together

The More We Get Together

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Storytime - Robots


Songs / Rhymes: “Good Morning”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “Open, Shut Them”, “Head and Shoulders”, “The Arms of the Robot”, “Five Little Robots” on the felt board, “I Wiggle My Fingers”, and “The More We Get Together”. 
Craft: Build-a-Robot. Materials: construction paper shapes, robot printout, crayons, glue, and tape. The toddlers glued their shapes to the outline of the robot and then colored them in.


Books: Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman and Robot Zombie Frankenstein by Annette Simon.
Songs / Rhymes: “Welcome to the Library”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Hi There, So Glad You Came”, “A Tooty Tah”, “Open, Shut Them”, “The Arms on the Robot”, and “The More We Get Together”. 
Craft: see toddler craft.

Songs / Rhymes

The Lights on the Robot
Sung to: The Wheels on the Bus
The lights on the robot go on and off
On and off, on and off
The lights on the robot go on and off
All day long

The arms on the robot go up and down
Up and down, up and down
The arms on the robot go up and down
All day long

The feet on the robot go clickity clack
Clickity clack, clickity clack
The feet on the robot go clickity clack
All day long

The antennas on the robot go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
The antennas on the robot go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
All day long
*My addition: The eyes on the robot go open and shut

Five Little Robots
There are five little robots in his shop this week
This one’s fried and that one sprung a leak
 Let's give this one a look-see 
We know just what to do
And when this robot leaves the shop
It will be as good as new! 
(repeat with 4, 3, 2, and 1)
*This is my version, which is slightly different from Cate's
--Based on the song from Cate at Storytiming

Monday, October 7, 2013

Wee Read - Spring

Early Literacy Tip of the Week:
Ways to tell if your baby is using a syllable as a word: 1. He uses the word in different contexts 2. She uses the word in new situations 3. The word is used consistently. The word is “real” if it means something to your baby.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

In the Morning
Sung to: “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
The sun comes up in the morning,
The moon goes down in the morning,
The sun comes up in the morning,
It’s time to say good day!
--Children’s Programming Monthly v. 1 no. 5 pg. 5 by Kathy MacMillan

Open Shut Them

Book One

Shake Your Shakers
--Mother Goose on the Loose by Betsy Diamant-Cohen. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2006.

An Egg is On My Nose 
Sung to: “The Farmer in the Dell”
Use egg shakers
An egg is on my nose,
an egg is on my nose,
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
an egg is on my nose.
(Repeat using other body parts)

Put Your Egg on Your Head
Sung to: “There’s a Spider on the Floor”
Use egg shakers
Put your egg on your head, on your head.
Put your egg on your head, on your head.
Put your egg on your head
Put your egg on your head.
Put your egg on your head, on your head.
continue with toes, tummy, etc.

I Wiggle My Fingers

Book Two

Humpty Dumpty Up
Humpty Dumpty up,
And Humpty Dumpty down.
Humpty Dumpty left,
Humpty Dumpty right,
Humpty Dumpty all around.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Poor Humpty Dumpty (smiling).

Touch Your Nose
Touch your nose, touch your chin
That's the way this game begins.
Touch your eyes, touch your knees
Now pretend you're going to sneeze!
Touch your hair, touch one ear.
Touch your two red lips right here.
Touch your elbow where it bends,
And that's the way this touch game ends.
--Dorothy from The Wielded Pen

Read Together

The More We Get Together