
Friday, November 4, 2016

Flannel Friday Roundup: November 4, 2016

It's roundup day! Let's take a look at the fabulous Friday felt fabrications for Friday.

WHAT'S THAT?! YOU'LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP! I'm having difficulty hearing you over these NOISY ROBOTS made by Kathryn from Fun with Friends at Storytime!

Whew, it's a little quieter now. We can hear these Five Christmas Cookies made by Kate at Felt Board Magic chanting their rhyme. Don't eat too many, or you'll get a tummy ache. She's even included a pattern so you can bake more this holiday season.

After all those cookies, I need to brush my teeth. Never fear, because these Five Little Teeth also made by Kate at Felt Board Magic are here!

If you're worried about the Christmas rush, we have an adorable fall felt board for you. Mr. Keith from Felt-tastic Flannelboard Funtime has made these cute leaves for Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down. And, as if you need more convincing, there's coffee involved.

Wendy from Flannel Board Fun shows us just what might be hiding in those leaves: Little Snail. This Inspired By Flannel Friday idea actually uses real leaves!

Our last post is from the amazing Miss Mary Liberry (I say this not just because we work together, although it might be super awkward if I didn't). She's made a felt version of Brian Won's Hooray For Hat with super cute animals.

***Remember: you can also find Flannel Friday on Facebook, Pinterest, and at our Flannel Friday blog. If you're new to Flannel Friday, don't forget to add your name and location to our Where Is Flannel Friday map.***

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Flannel Friday Round Up: November 4

Let's get ready for Fri-YAY!

Please post your submissions for this week's Flannel Friday round up in the comments below by 10pm Eastern.

And Happy November!