
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wee Read - Welcome Back

Early Literacy Tip of the Week: Write your baby’s name down and point out each letter. Point out the first letter of your baby’s name when you see it on signs or in books.

Good Morning

Hello, How are You?

Hello Mr. Sun
Sung to: "If you're Happy and You Know It"
Hello, Mr. Sun, how are you? (Clap, clap)
Hello, Mr. Sun, how are you? (Clap, clap)
We're so glad you're out today,
And we hope that you will stay.
We just love to see you shine, yes, we do!!! (Clap, clap)

Open Shut Them

Book One

Dancing Up and Dancing Down
(with scarves)
-- Mother Goose on the Loose by Betsy Diamant-Cohen. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2006.

Where is Baby? 
(with scarves)
Sung to: “Where is Thumbkin?”
Where is baby? Where is baby?
There you are! There you are!
I’m so glad to see you, I’m so glad to see you
Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!

Here We Go Up, Up, Up
(with scarves)
--Lapsit Services for the Very Young II by Linda L. Ernst. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2001.

Book Two

We’re Going Down a Smooth Road
Sung to: “Short’nin’ Bread”
We’re going down a smooth road, a smooth road, a smooth road.
We’re going down a smooth road, a smooth road now.
We’re going down a bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road.
We’re going down a bumpy road, a bumpy road now.
We’re going down a rough road, a rough road, a rough road.
We’re going down a rough road, UH OH! POTHOLE!

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.

Read Together

The More We Get Together

Monday, April 29, 2013

Storytime - Brand New


Songs / Rhymes: “Good Morning”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Open, Shut Them”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “The Hokey Pokey: Feet Edition”, “Here We Go Up, Up, Up” with the parachute, “Ring Around the Rosie” with the parachute, “Row Boat, Row Boat” with the parachute, “Come Under My Umbrella” with the parachute, and “The More We Get Together”.

Felt Board: I reminded the class that we are in a new year: 2013. I placed the numbers on the felt board and handed each child their own number. When I pointed to the number on the board, those with that number came to the front to give it back to Miss Mollie.

Craft: There was no craft today. We played with the parachute instead.

The files for this felt board can be found here and here.


Songs / Rhymes: “Welcome to the Library”, “Hello, How Are You?”, “Open, Shut Them”, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “A Tooty-Tah”, and “The More We Get Together”.

Craft: Happy 2013! Materials: blue construction paper, purple die cut numbers, glitter, glue, tape, crayons, and scissors. The preschoolers colored their paper and then glued their numbers on. When they were finished, they added more glue and I sprinkled glitter on their pictures.

Songs Used

The Hokey Pokey with Feet
You put one foot in,
You take one foot out.
You put one foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!
Use other foot, knees, legs.
--Miss Mollie

Here We Go Up, Up, Up (with parachute)
--Lapsit Services for the Very Young II by Linda L. Ernst. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2001.
Ring Around the Rosie (with parachute)
Ring around the rosie
A pocket full of posie
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!

Row Boat, Row Boat (with parachute)
Row boat, row boat go so slow (wave the chute slowly).
Row boat, row boat go so fast (shake the chute fast).
Row boat, row boat the waves are getting worse (shake fast again).
Row boat, row boat put it in reverse (stop the chute by pulling towards you).

Come Under My Umbrella (with parachute)
Come under my umbrella,
Umbrella, umbrella.
Gently wave the parachute up and down.
Come under my umbrella,
It’s starting to storm.
Move parachute faster.
There’s thunder and lightning
And wind and rain.
Come under my umbrella,
It’s starting to storm.

Tooty Ta
We do thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottom up, head back, tongue out.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Flannel Friday - Have You Seen My New Blue Socks?

It's Friday once again!

A few weeks ago I picked up Have You Seen My New Blue Socks? by Eve Bunting. It's a very cute story about a duck who has misplaced his beloved clothing. His friends Fox, Ox, and the Peacocks help him look for his socks rhyming all the way. The pictures aren't quite bright or big enough to share the book in storytime, so I made it into a felt board.

Duck's shoes had to be removable, but they kept falling off, so I reinforced their stickiness with a piece of Velcro glued to the back. I didn't glue down the purple socks to the rocks in case I wanted to use the rocks with another set. All of the details on the pieces were made with puffy paint. I used The Flannel Board Storytelling Book (2nd ed.) by Judy Sierra and Felt Board Fun for Everyday and Holidays by Liz and Dick Wilmes for templates.

Andrea is hosting this week's roundup. You can find Flannel Friday on the FF blog, on Facebook, and on Pinterest.