
Friday, December 18, 2015

Flannel Friday - A Felt Advent Calendar

Can you believe that this is the last Flannel Friday of the year?! Neither can I!

This project is something that I made for my daughter, actually. It's not perfect, but it's been fun planning it out. She's a very active toddler, so I gave her a Christmas tree of her own to play with. 

I bought a large sheet of green felt and used 3M strips to tape it on her door. I used washi tape for the outline of the tree and base (though I did have to go back and glue the washi tape down because it wasn't sticky enough to stay on the tree). The ornaments are shapes I traced from her shape sorter set and the numbers are glitter glue. I've been giving her one ornament a day. Though they're not pictured on the tree, the last five days will be yellow stars. And as you can see she has already lost poor day ten, a green triangle to match days eight and nine, which all together make a Christmas tree of their own.

Mary from Miss Mary Liberry is hosting the roundup this week.

***Remember: you can also find Flannel Friday on Facebook, Pinterest, and at our Flannel Friday Blog. If you're new to Flannel Friday, don't forget to add your name and location to our Where Is Flannel Friday map.***

Happy Holidays, Everyone! See you all again in the new year!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Flannel Friday - The Gingerbread Man

It's been a loooooong time since I've done a Flannel Friday, but I really liked this Gingerbread Man song I found on It's a nice and easy rhyme, and you can change the animals, add characters, etc. The template came from I colored them in, laminated them, cut them out, and placed a magnet on the back.

The Gingerbread Man
Sung to: "Wheels on the Bus"
The gingerbread man ran through the town,
Through the town, through the town.
The gingerbread man ran through the town,
"You'll never catch me."

He ran away from a cow,
from a cow, from a cow
He ran away from a cow,
"You'll never catch me."

He ran away from a sheep,
from a sheep, from a sheep
He ran away from a sheep
"You'll never catch me."

He ran away from a dog,
from a dog, from a dog
He ran away from a dog,
"You'll never catch me."

Then he came to a fox,
To a fox, to a fox
The fox said,
"You can trust me"
Then he ate him, yes siree.

The roundup for this week can be found on my blog here.

***Remember: you can also find Flannel Friday on Facebook, Pinterest, and at our Flannel Friday Blog. If you're new to Flannel Friday, don't forget to add your name and location to our Where Is Flannel Friday map.***

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Flannel Friday Roundup: December 4

It's Flannel Friday: Winter Extravaganza time! These submissions are perfect for a cold winter's day.

First up is first-timer Wendy! She has made a blog, Flannel Board Fun, just so she could participate in Flannel Friday. Her Five Little Snowmen Fat is just one of the crazy cute flannels on her blog. Welcome to the club, Wendy!

Get into the Christmas spirit with April at Storytime Ukelele. She has her felt version of It Must Be Santa paired with the chords and lyrics to the song. Ho, ho, ho!

These Five Little Snowmen are in desperate need of something cold! Hop on over to Kate's blog, Felt Board Magic, to see what their fate is (spoiler alert: SNOW!)

Kate has also decorated a Christmas tree for us! The Lights on the Tree are beautiful indeed! 

In an Inspired by Flannel Friday post, Jen has made Five Little Snowmen and even included a template for us (that she made herself!) on her blog, Adventures in Storytime.

Kathryn from Fun with Friends at Storytime has turned her Christmas tree into an interactive play board for her children's section. What a fun way to keep kids busy when there are no storytimes!

Miss Mary Liberry has made a triumphant comeback with Froggy Gets Dressed. Side note: she made us guess what it was and I got it correct. Not bragging or anything...

In other comeback news, I have my first flannel in a long time, too. It's The Gingerbread Man told with an easy-to-remember rhyme.

If you're feeling too chilly, warm up with Amy's Itsy Bitsy Monkey on her blog One Little Librarian. It is adorable and I can't wait to use it for Chinese New Year in 2016. 

***Remember: you can also find Flannel Friday on FacebookPinterest, and at our Flannel Friday Blog. If you're new to Flannel Friday, don't forget to add your name and location to our Where Is Flannel Friday map.***