
Friday, August 12, 2011

Flannel Friday - Inspired By...

My first Inspired By Flannel Friday post!

The inspiration comes from Mary at Miss Mary Liberry with her One Elephant Went Out to Play flannel board.

My six elephants lined up and ready to go!

This elephant was ready for a closeup!

Thanks, Mary, for such a great idea. I can't wait to use this with my elephant storytime in the fall!

Make sure you check out the weekly roundup hosted by Cate at Storytiming. Also, see what the Flannel Friday crew has been up to on our Pinterest page.


  1. I'm working on this one right now! Except I don't have puffy paint, so I'm sewing. I kind of wish I had glittery puffy paint though...

  2. I'm glad I bought the glitter paint, but now I'm seriously considering a purchase of regular puff pain. There's so much I could do!
