
Friday, August 26, 2011

Flannel Friday Roundup

Happy Flannel Friday! Here's a recap of the day's events:

Feeling antsy? Here's "Bug in a Rug" from Cate at Storytiming. She is also kind enough to share some of her flannel board war stories with us.

It's hard to believe that fall is here, but Katie at Story Time Secrets helps us ease into it with "Apples".

Linda at Notes from the Story Room entertains us with props from the story "The Clever One".

Anna from Future Librarian Superhero shows us a flannel board based on the book Time to Sleep. She also asks us for help in finding other uses for the pieces.

Mary from Miss Mary Liberry shares the quieting magic of the song "Little White Duck" and her flannel pieces for the song.

Mrs. Pirate takes us on a shopping trip on Sharon's Rain Makes Applesauce. How much do pirates pay for their earrings? A buccaneer!

See what I've been inspired to do with Tracey's "Pajama Song" on What Happens in Storytime...

Alison makes her Flannel Friday debut over at MiSS ALiSON iS BLOGGiNG with her supercute "Five Little Fireflies".

Getting ready for bed can be tough, but Anne at So Tomorrow has made it fun with this early literacy activity.

Andrea at rovingfiddlehead kidlit has "The Best Dressed Bear" on the block! I can't wait to play this game.

Our extra special (and only) international blogger, Library Quine at Loons and Quines @ Librarytime expands our cultural vocabulary with "Three Craws on a Wa'".

Pants on elephants? You bet! Check out Seth's post at The Voices Inside My Headphones for the pants craziness.

Ready for building? Need a toolbox? Katie at Storytime Katie shows how to make one.

Hop on over to Bridget's pond at What is Bridget Reading? to see her "Five Frogs" flannel board.

I'm sure Nicole's "Five Little Jellyfish" at Narrating Tales of Preschool Storytime are too cute to sting!

Melissa at Mel's Desk has us wishing for our princes with "There's a Castle in the Middle of the Moat". 

Moxie Librarian at Storytime With Moxie treats us to two servings of apple flannel boards. "A-P-P-L-E" and That Apple is Mine by Katya Arnold.

Have we still not satisfied your Flannel Friday cravings? Check us out on Pinterest to see past submissions and future inspirations. Want an invite to the Pinterest party? Just ask any of us!

Did I miss you? No tears! Let me know by commenting here or on Twitter (@molliekay).


  1. a buck an ear. Har. Har. Har. Nice job Miss Mollie!

  2. Thanks Mollie! What a huge round up---another one!

  3. Great job with the round-up -- there were a TON of people today!
