
Friday, October 21, 2011

Flannel Friday Roundup

What a great turnout for Flannel Friday! Thanks to everyone for their hard work.

Without further ado, here are this week's Flannel Friday posts! 

Here comes Cate (storytiming) with another great version of Go Away Big Green Monster! AND a bonus spiffy Halloween costume idea!

Seth (The Voices Inside My Headphones) gets out of this world with Five Little Spaceships.

Mary (Miss Mary Liberry) with the spooky story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.

Alison (MiSS ALiSON iS BLOGGiNG) gives us two creative ways to do Five Little Apples.

Katie (Story Time Secrets) shares three fall rhymes using popsicle sticks: Brown Squirrel, I'm a Little Apple, and Mr. Pumpkin.

Katie #2 (Recipe for Reading) has flannelized (it's a word; look it up in the librarian dictionary!) Fran's Flower.

Kendra (Delectable Dabbling) turns her five little fingers into Five Little Pumpkins using a modified glove.

Anna (Super Librarian Superhero) was inspired to make her own Five Creepy Monsters.

Sarah (Read It Again!) shows off her beautiful Five Butterflies.

Melissa (Mel's Desk) shares her insight on making patterns for flannel boards, as well as shares one of her own.

Anne (so tomorrow) makes us crave pumpkin pie with Jack-O-Happy.

Meghan (Busy Crafting Mommy) prepares us for Halloween with several spooky Halloween stories, including Five Little Bats Hanging Upside Down, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, Five Little Monsters, and Goodnight Goon.

Angela (valleystorytime) helps us get ready for bed with Knock Knock.

And lastly, my (not too) scary Haunted House.

If I've missed your post somewhere along the way, never fear! Please leave me a comment here with a link to your post, and I'll add it to the roundup as soon as possible. If your submission comes in after today (Friday), please wait until the next week to submit it. Thanks!!


  1. Hi-- I used the #flannelfriday hashtag on Twitter... is there another way to get in on the FF action? Love the great ideas, I've already made one flannel from a post from last week!

  2. For some reason, a hashtag search on Twitter doesn't always return all results, which is why we ask that you post your link on the roundup if we missed you. We've decided that it's also best to tag the roundup person of the week when posting on Twitter.

    I've added your link to the roundup. Thanks for bearing with us :)
