
Friday, December 16, 2011

Flannel Friday - Hungry Hen

It's the most wonderful Flannel Friday of the year (not to mention the last)! What a great year it's been, too. I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring for the world of flannel boards.

My post this week is a flannelized* version of Hungry Hen by Richard Waring.

The hen is very hungry. She eats and eats, getting bigger every day. The fox, waiting patiently on a nearby hill, reminds himself that every day he waits to eat her, the bigger she'll be. But one day, fox just can't wait for his meal anymore.

I won't spoil the ending for you. It's quite surprising, and I think the kids will love hearing it. I'll be using this flannel board for my toddler story stew day.

Linda from Notes from the Story Room is hosting the roundup this week. Check our Pinterest page to see the wonderful pictures from this week, and join in our discussions of children's librarianship in our Flannel Friday Facebook group (say that ten times fast!).

REMINDER: Flannel Friday will not be back until 2012. See everyone then!

*Read more about picture book flannelization at Mel's Desk and Storytiming.


  1. I just read this book, LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks like a great book. I will have to keep an eye out for it, so we can find out what happens! Love your flannelised version - adorable!

    I have been enjoying your blog and have given you an award. Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks, Melissa! Glad you've enjoyed Flannel Friday. And thanks for the award.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The hen is very hungry. She eats and eats, getting bigger l love language quiz every day. The fox, waiting patiently on a nearby hill, reminds himself that every day he waits to eat her, the bigger she'll be. But one day, fox just can't wait for his meal anymore.I won't spoil the ending for you. It's quite surprising, and I think the kids will love hearing it. I'll be using this flannel board for my toddler story stew day.
