
Friday, December 16, 2011

Flannel Friday - Hungry Hen

It's the most wonderful Flannel Friday of the year (not to mention the last)! What a great year it's been, too. I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring for the world of flannel boards.

My post this week is a flannelized* version of Hungry Hen by Richard Waring.

The hen is very hungry. She eats and eats, getting bigger every day. The fox, waiting patiently on a nearby hill, reminds himself that every day he waits to eat her, the bigger she'll be. But one day, fox just can't wait for his meal anymore.

I won't spoil the ending for you. It's quite surprising, and I think the kids will love hearing it. I'll be using this flannel board for my toddler story stew day.

Linda from Notes from the Story Room is hosting the roundup this week. Check our Pinterest page to see the wonderful pictures from this week, and join in our discussions of children's librarianship in our Flannel Friday Facebook group (say that ten times fast!).

REMINDER: Flannel Friday will not be back until 2012. See everyone then!

*Read more about picture book flannelization at Mel's Desk and Storytiming.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Storytime - Holiday Happiness

I'm always a little nervous when it comes to talking about the Winter holidays, but I think it's important to discuss them. I only cover Hanukkah and Christmas, only talking about the bare bones of their traditions (dreidels, lighting the menorah, gelt, latkes, Santa, decorating a tree, reindeer, etc).

Hanukkah Lights by David Martin

It's Christmas by Tina Burke

Hanukkah: A Counting Book in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish by Emily Sper

I'm Not Santa by Jonathan Allen

I Am a Little Dreidel
I am a little dreidel
(Point to yourself)
I am a little top
(Pat your head)
When you twist my handle,
(Spin around)
I spin until I drop!
(Fall to the floor)

Note: This is the cutest song. Children and parents love singing it over and over again!

Let's All

Sung to: "We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
Let's all do a little clapping,
Let's all do a little clapping,
Let's all do a little clapping,
and spread Christmas cheer.


Reindeer Pokey

Sung to: "The Hokey Pokey"
You put your antlers in,

You put your antlers out.
You put your antlers in and you shake them all about.
You do the Reindeer Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your hooves in....
You put your red nose in....
You put your fluffy tail in...
You put your reindeer body in...

This is especially cute if you make reindeer masks or antler headbands.

Felt Board
Hanukkah Candles

Sung to: "I've Been Working on the Railroad"

I've been lighting all the candles
On this Hanukah night.
I've been lighting all the candles
Just to see them shining bright.
Flicker, flicker little candle
Fill me with your glow
Now the time has come to count them
Ready set let's go!

Count candles.

Five Little Christmas Trees 
Five little Christmas trees,
Standing all alone.
Their hearts were very sad,
'Cause they hadn't found a home.
Then chop went the ax
Make a chopping action with arm
And down fell the tree
And off one went with a happy family!
(continue from 4-1 Christmas Trees)
No little Christmas Trees
Standing all alone
Their hearts were very happy
'Cause they all found a home!!!

Spin the Dreidel
I explained to the preschoolers what a dreidel was, then modeled how to spin it. Every child who wanted to give it a try was invited to come to the front and give it a whirl. Not everyone came up to do it, but the brave ones who did had lots of fun. 

Holiday Candles
This is a super easy craft to prepare AND make, leaving more time for holiday songs and games. I used this craft with both groups.
Materials: Colored tissue paper squares, toilet paper rolls, and a yellow construction paper flame. That's it! No glue or tape required.
Directions: Wrap the tissue paper around the roll, tuck in the ends, and tuck in the flame on top.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Flannel Friday - Four Little Snowmen

Hooray for Flannel Friday! This week's flannel board is "Four Little Snowmen". There would have been five, but the purple one melted. He's being rebuilt, and will be ready to sled again some other day.

Four Little Snowmen
Four little snowmen riding on a sled
One fell off and bumped his head
Frosty called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more snowmen riding on that sled!”
(Continue in this fashion until you get to zero)

Liz from putting smiles on faces is hosting the roundup this week (her first time!). See all of our past roundups at Anne's blog so tomorrow. Check out the collection of our Flannel Friday pictures on Pinterest, and join our Facebook group to take part in our discussions.