
Friday, February 10, 2012

Inspired by Flannel Friday - Full of Heart

It's a Flannel Friday of Love!

This week's post was inspired by Kay Leigh at Storytime ABC’s.

I made eight hearts total: white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Little Red Valentine Game
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Orange one says, "I do, too!"
Use different color hearts.

In Wee Read class, we said this rhyme using the ASL signs for each color (we did red, orange, yellow, green, and blue) and Valentine (drawing a heart over your chest) to go with it.

For Toddler and Preschool storytimes, I printed out six smaller hearts per color, then laminated each sheet. After cutting out each heart, I taped a popsicle stick to the back and wrote the color name on the heart.

I passed out a heart to each child, then placed a big heart on the flannel board to show which color we were using while singing this song I came up with:

Who Has a Red Heart? 
Sung to: Mary Wore a Red Dress 
Who has a red heart, red heart, red heart?
Who has a red heart?
Bring it to me now. 
Use different color hearts.

As I called each color's name, the children with that heart brought it to the front and placed it into my basket.

Want to see what everyone else has been up to this week? Check out the roundup at Loons and Quines. Have you joined us on Facebook yet? No? Then stop by and see what we're talking about! Are you a visual type of person? Then have no fear, because Pinterest is here!


  1. Thanks for sharing your activities Mollie. They should appear soon with the other great Flannel Board ideas on the Flannel Friday roundup at

  2. Thanks for the great idea Mollie! I may use this next week :)

  3. I love story time activities that get the kids moving. They will love being able to bring the hearts up to the front and putting them in the basket! I think I will be using this next week!

  4. Gosh, do I dare? I often have 60-85 kids at storytime. I hardly dare do things that require passing out and passing back - it just takes SO long and we don't have a lot of room for moving up to put things in my basket - (fortunately, I have a second, much smaller storytime group on Saturdays where we can be a little more creative)

  5. Mollie, thank you for the mention :-) I will be adding your second song to my Valentine storytimes this week. My little ones will love it!

    Btw, we also do the color and heart signs. And we do the "I love you" sign. Since it is Spiderman's sign, the boys really love it! Lol

    My storytime friends and the grownups have quickly picked up many signs and use them often. :-)

  6. I stole this colored heart song and used it Friday at preschool Music and Movement. I had them put the hearts on different body parts, then bring them to me. Next time, I'm only using two colors for hearts. It got too confusing. But I'm absolutely doing this again for story time tomorrow!

  7. I love the activites that incorporate the children. This will work really great for the toddlers who come in to storytime.
