
Monday, August 6, 2012

Storytime - Moose

This moose theme was done right before Canada Day!

Looking for a Moose by Phyllis Root
  • Toddler
Ernest, the Moose Who Doesn't Fit by Catherine Rayner
  • Toddler
  • Preschool
Duck, Duck, Moose by Dave Horowitz
  • Preschool

Moose Pokey
You put your right hoof in (use foot)
You take your right hoof out.
You put your right hoof in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Moose Pokey
And you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about.
*You put your left hoof in...
*You put your antlers in...
*You put your whole self in...

Hickory Dickory Dock (revised)
Hickory dickory dock,
The MOOSE ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The MOOSE crashed down!
Hickory dickory dock.
--Miss Mollie

Five Sleepy Moose
Five sleepy Moose lying on a hill--
The 1st one said, "I like laying still."
The 2nd one said, "I'm about to yawn."
The 3rd one said, "Please don't wake me until dawn."
The 4th one said, "I’ll go take a nap."
The 5th one said, "It's time for a snooze."
So they pulled up their covers and all said, "Goodnight!"
Then 5 sleepy moose were out like a light.

Duck, Duck, Moose
After reading the book, play this game with the children. The rules are the same as Duck, Duck, Goose.

Moose Antlers. Materials: two brown pipe cleaners, two antler, stapler (optional), glue/tape.

Wrap the pipe cleaners together. Fold the antlers over the pipe cleaners and staple or glue/tape.

When everyone is finished, teach them how to do the "Moose Pokey" while they wear their antlers.

Moose printable from First School. Materials: printable, scissors, glue, and construction paper.

The preschoolers and caregivers cut out the pieces and glue them together on the construction paper to make a moose.


  1. The moose version of Hickory Dickory Dock is adorable. My son loves all things Moose and I will have to add those books to his Moose book collection. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a great idea! I'm adding this to this year's storytime themes. You always have such fabulous ideas!

  3. Thanks for all these great ideas. In Michigan, we celebrate "Michigan Reads! One-State, One-Children's Book" and this fall the book they have chosen is "Moose on the Loose" by Kathy-jo Wargin. While they do give you a manual with ideas to use, I know I will be using some of these ideas for my storytimes!

  4. I'm doing a moose theme and I love the book Chocolate Moose by Maggie Kneen.
