
Friday, October 7, 2011

Flannel Friday - Four Little Stars

Happy happy Flannel Friday!

This week's submission was an oldie that I recently gave a makeover to. I originally made them with Elmer's glue and gold glitter, but over time the glitter fell off. This time, I used glitter glue instead. I've used this flannel board for space and nighttime storytimes, and at the occasional Wee Read. Enjoy!

"Four Little Stars"
Four little stars winking at me.
One shot off and then there were three!
Three little stars with nothing to do.
One shot off, and then there were two!
Two little stars afraid of the sun.
One shot off, and then there was one! 
One little star alone is no fun.
It shot off, and then there was none!

Don't forget to check out the roundup at Anna's blog, Future Librarian Superhero, and see everyone's submissions on Pinterest, too.

New this week: join our Flannel Friday Facebook group!

1 comment:

  1. I love glitter glue.

    Will definitely be using this one for a "Starry Night Stories" program at some point!
