
Friday, February 24, 2012

Flannel Friday - I Went to the Pet Store

It's finally Flannel Friday! This week's flannel board was inspired by the poem, "I Went to the Pet Store" from Storytime Magic by Kathy MaMillan and Christine Kirker (Chicago: American Library Association, 2009).

I used Microsoft Word and typed out the rhyming words in each stanza. I also included a picture of the animal and the suffix of the rhyme.

First we discussed what a rhyme was, then, as I said the rhymes, I invited the children to guess which animal I was talking about. When they guess correctly, I emphasized the rhyming words (cat/that, etc), and repeated the stanza.

They had a great time correcting me when I tried to tell them the wrong answer. The only rhyme they had trouble with was rabbit.

If anyone would like the file I used for this felt board, please email me at molliereadsya at gmail dot com.

Meghan from Busy Crafting Mommy is hosting the roundup today. Flannel Friday can also be found on Pinterest and Facebook.

See everyone next week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Flannel Friday - Hats

Happy Flannel Friday!

Both of my submissions were used in today's Hats storytime. The first was made from a Word document, then laminated. I used tacky glue to attach felt to the back, then cut out each word.

My Hat
My hat it has three corners,
Three corners has my hat.
And had it not three corners,
It would not be my hat.

Take out a word each verse and substitute, "Mmmh."

Milo's Hats
This story is courtesy of Storytime Magic: 400 Fingerplays, Flannelboards, and Other Activities by Kathy MacMillan and Christine Kirker (Chicago: American Library Association, 2009).

Milo doesn't know what to be when he grows up, so he's going to try on a few hats until he finds the right one. 

Check out the round-up later today hosted by Katie at her blog Story Time Secrets. For a picturesque archive of past ideas, visit our Pinterest page. And lastly, talk about Flannel Friday (and more!) all week on our Facebook page.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Storytime - Valentine's Day

Big Hugs, Little Hugs by Felicia Bond

Sweet Hearts by Jan Carr

Be Mine, Be Mine, Sweet Valentine by Sarah Weeks

Before reading this book, I explained what a rhyme was asked the preschoolers to listen for the rhymes. The poems leave out the last word and hide the answer behind a flap. The preschoolers were able to guess what word came next based on the context and a few hints from me.

The Runaway Valentine by Tina Casey

This is a looooong story. My preschoolers sat through it, though. I was very proud!

If You Love Me and You Know It
Sung to: "If You’re Happy and You Know It"
If you love me and you know it, Clap your hands.
If you love me and you know it, Clap your hands.
If you love me and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you love me and you know it, Clap your hands.
Other Verses:
Say "I Love you"
Blow me a kiss
Give me a hug

Will You Be My Valentine
Sung to: “London Bridge”
Will you be my valentine, Valentine, Valentine?
Will you be my Valentine, be a friend of mine?

Who Has a Red Heart? Game
Sung to: Mary Wore a Red Dress
Who has a red heart, red heart, red heart?
Who has a red heart?
Bring it to me now.
Use different color hearts.

--Miss Mollie

We made our own valentine's out of die cut hearts. I found the die cut for a pop-up heart card at my school district's resource center.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Storytime - Here We Go!

Freight Train by Donald Crews

I Love Planes by Philemon Sturges

Clickety Clack by Robert and Amy Spence

Late for School by Stephanie Calmenson

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream.

*I like to sing this song multiple times with the preschoolers, speeding up each round until we're not really even singing anymore. They find this absolutely hilarious, and they're usually tired enough to sit still for a story afterwards.

Did You Ever See an Airplane?
Sung to: "Did You Ever See a Lassie?"
Did you ever see an airplane,
An airplane, and airplane?
Did you ever see an airplane
Way up in the sky?
There are big ones and small ones
And short ones and tall ones.
Did you ever see an airplane
Way up in the sky?

Going for a Ride In My Train - Toddlers

Sung to: Ten Little Indians

Going for a ride in my little ______ train

Going for a ride in my little ______ train

Going for a ride in my little ______ train
Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga

Choo, choo!

Insert color of train

Where Does This Go? - Preschoolers
Mix up the place and ask the children where each vehicle goes. Get them wrong on purpose, and watch them be very eager to correct you!


Airplane Pictures. Materials: Light blue construction paper, die cut airplanes, die cut clouds, tape, glue, and crayons. The toddlers glued the airplane and clouds to their paper and colored them in.


Stoplights. Materials: black construction paper, die cut circles in red, yellow, and green, tape, glue, and crayons. The preschoolers glued their circles to the black paper to make their own stoplights. One preschooler made a necklace out of her stoplight.