
Friday, February 17, 2012

Flannel Friday - Hats

Happy Flannel Friday!

Both of my submissions were used in today's Hats storytime. The first was made from a Word document, then laminated. I used tacky glue to attach felt to the back, then cut out each word.

My Hat
My hat it has three corners,
Three corners has my hat.
And had it not three corners,
It would not be my hat.

Take out a word each verse and substitute, "Mmmh."

Milo's Hats
This story is courtesy of Storytime Magic: 400 Fingerplays, Flannelboards, and Other Activities by Kathy MacMillan and Christine Kirker (Chicago: American Library Association, 2009).

Milo doesn't know what to be when he grows up, so he's going to try on a few hats until he finds the right one. 

Check out the round-up later today hosted by Katie at her blog Story Time Secrets. For a picturesque archive of past ideas, visit our Pinterest page. And lastly, talk about Flannel Friday (and more!) all week on our Facebook page.


  1. I would like the document for MY Hat. I'll send you an email.

    Great activities for a Hat storytime! I bet your storytime friends had fun today. :-)

  2. Ah! What a great visual cue for singing that song with kids - and I bet it'd work great with that pesky letter dropping dog, Bingo, too. :) Thanks for sharing!
