
Friday, October 25, 2013

Inspired by Flannel Friday - Five Little Bats

Happy Halloween, Flannel Friday-ers! My entry this week was inspired by this post from Let the Wild Rumpus Start. I used a bat from as a template. The details are all made from puffy paint. Thanks for the great idea, Miss Sue!

Five Little Bats
Sung to: "Five Little Ducks"
Five little bats went on a flight
by the light of the moon one night
Mama bat said squeak squeak squeak swack!
but only 4 little bats came back.
Repeat for 4,3,2,1

This week's Flannel Friday round up is hosted by Katie. Flannel Friday can be found on Facebook, Pinterest, and at the FF blog.

1 comment:

  1. I like the colors you used...I imagine you could use the colors somehow with the kids.
