
Friday, June 17, 2011

Flannel Friday - Ice Cream Summer

Happy Happy Flannel Friday! Today's entry is for my Summer storytime next week.

Ice Cream Song
First we need a cone,
Nice and crunchy.
Then we need some ice cream,
Sweet and yummy.
Scoop ‘em on,
Stack ‘em on,
Up to the sky. . .

You can find the rest of the song in this book: The Big Book of Stories, Songs, and Sing-Alongs by Beth Maddigan and Stefanie Drennan, Libraries Unlimited, 2003.

This week's Flannel Friday entries are hosted by Melissa at Mel's Desk. Check her blog later to find the round up!


  1. i'm eating ice cream right now! Yum! very cute, and great for summer!

  2. Hi Mollie!
    Thanks for the great idea! I used it for my "Summer Storytime" this past Sunday and the kids loved it!

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