
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Storytime - At the Library

For the first week of summer storytimes we talked about going to the library. We had an average crowd for the toddler group, but our preschool group was hopping!

Maisy Goes to the Library by Lucy Cousins
Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
I Took My Frog to the Library by Eric A. Kimmel 

*Note: This book is cute and silly, but outdated. I skipped the part about the chicken visiting the library and laying eggs in the card catalog.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

*Note: I used a felt board of this book at the same time.

Special Songs/Rhymes
If You’re a Reader and You Know It
Sung to: "If You’re Happy and You Know it"
If you’re a reader and you know it
Clap your hands x2
If you’re a reader and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re a reader and you know it
Clap your hands.
Use: Shout hooray, read a book

At the Library
Sung to: “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”
At the library the Garland library
We read a lot of books.
At the library the Garland library
We read a lot of books.
Read a book when?
Read a book when?
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot!
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot, we read a lot,
We read a lot!
--Miss Lucy at the Audubon Library

These Books Are Your Books
Sung to: “This Land is Your Land”
These books are your books,
these books are my books.
From Huckleberry,
to the dictionary.
So don’t abuse them
Or you might lose them.
These books are here
for you and me.
--Miss Lucy at the Audubon Library

Felt Boards
Five Little Books
Five little books at the library,
Five little books as great as can be.
Along comes (name) with her library card
To take one home and read.
Continue to zero.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

Before reading the book, I placed the coconut tree on the felt board and gave each child a lower case letter. There were more children than I expected, so some had to share. Had there been less children, I would have given them an uppercase letter instead, and asked them to find the same letter in lowercase. As I read the book, I called out the letter, and the child with that letter brought it to the board. It was complete chaos, but the children had a lot of fun showing how well they knew their letters.

I used our bookmark die cut for the Ellison machine and had a volunteer cut out yarn for the top. I gave the children stickers and crayons to decorate their bookmarks with, and they came up with some interesting creations. It was an easy craft that didn't take much time, considering the Chicka Chicka activity took up the majority of storytime.

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