
Friday, August 26, 2011

Flannel Friday Roundup

Happy Flannel Friday! Here's a recap of the day's events:

Feeling antsy? Here's "Bug in a Rug" from Cate at Storytiming. She is also kind enough to share some of her flannel board war stories with us.

It's hard to believe that fall is here, but Katie at Story Time Secrets helps us ease into it with "Apples".

Linda at Notes from the Story Room entertains us with props from the story "The Clever One".

Anna from Future Librarian Superhero shows us a flannel board based on the book Time to Sleep. She also asks us for help in finding other uses for the pieces.

Mary from Miss Mary Liberry shares the quieting magic of the song "Little White Duck" and her flannel pieces for the song.

Mrs. Pirate takes us on a shopping trip on Sharon's Rain Makes Applesauce. How much do pirates pay for their earrings? A buccaneer!

See what I've been inspired to do with Tracey's "Pajama Song" on What Happens in Storytime...

Alison makes her Flannel Friday debut over at MiSS ALiSON iS BLOGGiNG with her supercute "Five Little Fireflies".

Getting ready for bed can be tough, but Anne at So Tomorrow has made it fun with this early literacy activity.

Andrea at rovingfiddlehead kidlit has "The Best Dressed Bear" on the block! I can't wait to play this game.

Our extra special (and only) international blogger, Library Quine at Loons and Quines @ Librarytime expands our cultural vocabulary with "Three Craws on a Wa'".

Pants on elephants? You bet! Check out Seth's post at The Voices Inside My Headphones for the pants craziness.

Ready for building? Need a toolbox? Katie at Storytime Katie shows how to make one.

Hop on over to Bridget's pond at What is Bridget Reading? to see her "Five Frogs" flannel board.

I'm sure Nicole's "Five Little Jellyfish" at Narrating Tales of Preschool Storytime are too cute to sting!

Melissa at Mel's Desk has us wishing for our princes with "There's a Castle in the Middle of the Moat". 

Moxie Librarian at Storytime With Moxie treats us to two servings of apple flannel boards. "A-P-P-L-E" and That Apple is Mine by Katya Arnold.

Have we still not satisfied your Flannel Friday cravings? Check us out on Pinterest to see past submissions and future inspirations. Want an invite to the Pinterest party? Just ask any of us!

Did I miss you? No tears! Let me know by commenting here or on Twitter (@molliekay).

Flannel Friday - Inspired By...

Thanks to Tracey at 1234 More Storytimes for this week's "Inspired By..." post! 

I've always wanted to use the clothing die cut we have, and this presented the perfect opportunity. I have my first Daddy and Me storytime the first week of September, and we'll be talking about bedtime.

Sung to: “She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain”

I wear my red pajamas in the summer (when it’s hot!)
I wear my red pajamas in the winter (when it’s not!)
and sometimes in the springtime
and sometimes in the fall
I hop into my bed with none at all.

Make sure you come back later today for this week's Flannel Friday roundup, hosted by me. Stop by and see us on Pinterest, too. If you would like an invitation, be sure to let me or one of the Flannel Friday crew know. And, as always, catch us on Twitter under the tag #FlannelFriday.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Flannel Friday - Inspired By...

My first Inspired By Flannel Friday post!

The inspiration comes from Mary at Miss Mary Liberry with her One Elephant Went Out to Play flannel board.

My six elephants lined up and ready to go!

This elephant was ready for a closeup!

Thanks, Mary, for such a great idea. I can't wait to use this with my elephant storytime in the fall!

Make sure you check out the weekly roundup hosted by Cate at Storytiming. Also, see what the Flannel Friday crew has been up to on our Pinterest page.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Reading Program - Week 8

The last week! I had originally been scheduled to miss one day this week for a vacation in Colorado (and my birthday). But life likes to throw us curve balls, and we had to rush back to our home town in New York because of a death in the family. As a result, I missed most of the last week of SRP, so the details below are second hand. But I made it back to Texas in time for the last day of the program!

Reading Program
This week's prize was...

A book!

We had several different titles of varying reading levels available for the children to choose from. This is always their favorite week, and they're always so excited to start going through our selection.

Though my substitutes had little time to prepare, they both did wonderful storytimes. I'm very lucky to be in a system with enough children's librarians to help out in a time of need.

This week's presenter was a magician! We had a good turn out, and I'm sorry I didn't get to see his cool tricks.

Sea How Much...
No picture this week, but we ended our program with 20370 books and hours read. Wow! This year's group went above and beyond last year's record. So proud!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Reading Program - Week 7

Reading Program
Dinosaur bouncy ball, a good prize for all ages! We even had some that were pink with glittery dinosaurs.

Who doesn't love dogs! Apparently not everyone, because attendance was even lower than last week for all three groups.

Teen Gaming Night
They came! We had fun! I had a Wii set up with Super Smash Brothers Brawl and several tables with board/card games. The boys were entertained with SSBB for a little while, but then they gradually became more interested in what the girls were doing: playing Apples to Apples. If you've never played, you're missing out. It's the best party game in the history of mankind, and doesn't involve embarrassing and/or lewd behavior. Some of the cards went over the teens' heads, mainly those with names of celebrities who were well known before 1999, and if it weren't for the other staff member there, I might have walked away feeling extremely old. But fun was had by all, and were surprised when I announced that we were all done for the night.

Clowning Around
I will admit that I am not a huge fan of clowns. In fact, they are pretty creepy. We managed to find the one clown that does not give me nightmares, for which I'm grateful. His act is more geared toward younger children, and they do not even blink their eyes when he's on stage. We had a good crowd, not too big, not too small, and everyone had a great time. Attendance: 78 people.

Sea How Much...
16280 Books/Hours

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer Reading Program - Week 6

Reading Program
Toy truck! Though the girls weren't too thrilled about it, the boys were ecstatic! These lasted a bit longer than the other prizes, but not by much.

Wee Read and Toddler Time had an average amount of attendees, but attendance was WAY down for Preschool Storytime (which means we actually had room to move!), which was fortunate considering that our air conditioner decided to conk out on us. This week's theme was camping, and you can find my lesson plan here.

We had a mad scientist come to visit us, and this program always draws in a big crowd. We had some of the same issues we did with the zoologist. I didn't give out tickets this time, but we had to limit the amount of adults who attended and block others from coming in when we reached our maximum occupancy. Add to this our issues with the A/C, and there were some unhappy patrons. Luckily, the children didn't notice the heat, and the parents were happy to vacate their spaces after just a few minutes in the room. Total attendance: 173 people.

One new issue cropped up this week: day cares. I've had day cares come to summer programs before and were well behaved, but the two that showed up this week were overly excited and talkative. To make matters worse, the presenter was still relatively new at his job, and didn't quite have his crowd control skills down pat, so it was a very loud and chaotic experience for everyone.

Sea How Much... 
13090 books/hours! We've read so many books that I had to expand our sea!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Flannel Friday - Five Little Doggies

I'm happy to be making a comeback with a flannel board I used in my doggie storytime this summer. I used doggy clip art from various sources, laminated them, and then glued velcro to their backs. I was inspired by Melissa's post called Down Around the Corner to write my own song. Thanks, Mel!

Five Little Doggies
Five little doggies in the doggie pet store.
Looking so lonely, they want a child to adore.
When along comes a child with a dollar to pay
She buys a doggie and takes him away.

Check out the weekly roundup hosted by Anna at Future Librarian Superhero

Flannel Friday is now on Pinterest! You don't need an account to view our felt boards, but if you'd like an invite, just let me know.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Storytime - Camping

Let's Go Camping by Jan Mader

The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book by Nancy Tafuri

Camping Day by Patricia Lakin

Let's Play in the Forest While the Wolf is Not Around by Claudia Rueda

Special Songs/Rhymes

Let's Go Hiking
Sung to: "Frere Jacques" 
Let's go hiking, let's go hiking,
Along the trail, along the trail.
I love to hike fast,
I love to hike slow,
Along the trail, along the trail.

Campfire Pokey
Sung to: "Hokey Pokey"
You put your marshmallow in, 
You take your marshmallow out, 
You put your marshmallow in 
and you shake it all about, 
You do the campfire pokey, 
and you turn yourself about,
That's what it's all about, hey!
End with: you put your whole dinner in, 
you put your whole dinner out.

Substitute "marshmallow" with hot dog, potato, apple, popcorn, and anything else that you can roast over the campfire. 

Each child was given a paper plate, two brown construction paper logs, and some red, yellow, and orange tissue paper squares.

Starry Night
Black construction paper + construction paper crayons + glitter = awesome