Thursday, August 4, 2011

Storytime - Camping

Let's Go Camping by Jan Mader

The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book by Nancy Tafuri

Camping Day by Patricia Lakin

Let's Play in the Forest While the Wolf is Not Around by Claudia Rueda

Special Songs/Rhymes

Let's Go Hiking
Sung to: "Frere Jacques" 
Let's go hiking, let's go hiking,
Along the trail, along the trail.
I love to hike fast,
I love to hike slow,
Along the trail, along the trail.

Campfire Pokey
Sung to: "Hokey Pokey"
You put your marshmallow in, 
You take your marshmallow out, 
You put your marshmallow in 
and you shake it all about, 
You do the campfire pokey, 
and you turn yourself about,
That's what it's all about, hey!
End with: you put your whole dinner in, 
you put your whole dinner out.

Substitute "marshmallow" with hot dog, potato, apple, popcorn, and anything else that you can roast over the campfire. 

Each child was given a paper plate, two brown construction paper logs, and some red, yellow, and orange tissue paper squares.

Starry Night
Black construction paper + construction paper crayons + glitter = awesome


  1. Have you seen Into the Outdoors by Susan Gal? I think that is a potential camping storytime choice.

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